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Rack manufacturer oblique rack

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Product introduction

Measures taken by rack manufacturers to maintain racks:

1. To make sure that the lubricant we use is the right rack oil in the rack, not all the lubricants are good for the rack, we should choose the right lubricant.

2. In order to avoid excessive accumulation of lubricants, only the key parts of the rack must be oiled. After oiling, the wear and abnormal sound of the rack can be reduced.

3. In other parts of the rack, only a little lubricant is needed to prevent rust.

4. When greasing the rack, it is impossible to do so perfectly, so wipe off excessive lubricant on the rack surface before finishing.

5. As far as transmission vehicles are concerned, attention should also be paid to rear transmission pulleys, gears and flywheels. Use the same principle to maintain and lubricate these parts.

6. After lubricating oil on rack, wipe excess oil on rack with dry cloth to avoid the adhesion of dirt and dust.

7. Every time the rack is cleaned, wiped or cleaned with solvent, it must be lubricated.

8. Before lubricating, make sure the rack is dry. Do not lubricate the rack after rain.

9. Infiltrate the lubricant into the rack bearing and wait for it to become viscous or dry.